Roots Education offers programming in a wide range of subject areas, from Russian language and literature to visual art and music. Most of our programs are taught in Russian.
We offer a Russian educational program, English and Math lessons offered in English (designed to complement your child's public school curriculum), as well as a variety of extra-curricular activities.

Russian education is divided into three groups by age:

Rostochki (18 months - 3 years)

Develop your child's intellectual, spiritual and physical potential while celebrating Russian language and culture in small parent-engaged groups.

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Listiki (3 - 6 years)

Our approach is to balance intellectual learning with creative expression in our pre-school programs intended to nurture the love of Russian language.

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School-Age Children (6 - 17 years)

Supplement your child's education with an engaging curriculum of Russian literature, language and history, as well as strong Math and Arts programs.

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Our extra-curricular activities are designed to round out and enhance your child's development; to inspire interest and develop skills in new subjects, from music to chess.
We also offer Russian as a Second Language (RSL) for children who do not speak Russian, as well as English as a Second Language (ESL) for newcomers from Russian-speaking countries to help them quickly acclimatize to an English-speaking environment.